ALFCOP, Coleccionismo Policial. > Alfcop, Galería de Mi Colección
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votos 40061

  Algo de Mi colección

Descargas en total: 16
Categorías: 1
Descargados en total: 249

Ultimas Descargas
· 1: Problema domestico / Domestic problem
[Descargas: 12]

· 2: Tiroteo / Shootout
[Descargas: 6]

· 3: Arresto usando una taser / Arrest using a taser
[Descargas: 20]

· 4: Atraco tienda Puerto Rico, asesinato policias / Steal in store of Puerto Rico, murder policemen
[Descargas: 24]

· 5: Marine no quiere regresar a Irak 2 asesinato policia / Marine doesn't want to return to irak 2
[Descargas: 25]

· 6: Marine no quiere regresar a Irak 1 , asesinato policia / Marine doesn't want to return to irak 1
[Descargas: 12]

· 7: Armas en las escuelas / Weapons in the schools
[Descargas: 17]

· 8: Entierro de 4 RCMP muertos en redada antidroga / Funeral of 4 RCMP died in antidrug haul
[Descargas: 19]

· 9: Tiroteo policial en las Favelas de Rio / Police shooting in the Favelas of Rio
[Descargas: 20]

· 10: Entrenamientos K-9 / K-9 Trainings
[Descargas: 13]

Lo más descargado
· 1: Tiro rapido (una pasada) / Fast shooter
[Descargas: 27]

· 2: Marine no quiere regresar a Irak 2 asesinato policia / Marine doesn't want to return to irak 2
[Descargas: 25]

· 3: Atraco tienda Puerto Rico, asesinato policias / Steal in store of Puerto Rico, murder policemen
[Descargas: 24]

· 4: Arresto usando una taser / Arrest using a taser
[Descargas: 20]

· 5: Tiroteo policial en las Favelas de Rio / Police shooting in the Favelas of Rio
[Descargas: 20]

· 6: Entierro de 4 RCMP muertos en redada antidroga / Funeral of 4 RCMP died in antidrug haul
[Descargas: 19]

· 7: Atropello por vehículo Policial. / I run over for Police vehicle.
[Descargas: 18]

· 8: Armas en las escuelas / Weapons in the schools
[Descargas: 17]

· 9: Disparo accidental / Accidental shootgun
[Descargas: 14]

· 10: Entrenamientos K-9 / K-9 Trainings
[Descargas: 13]

Alfcop, Galería de Mi Colección

¡¡¡ Debes estar registrado en la WEB para poder ver MI COLECCIÓN !!!
¡¡¡ You must be registered in the WEB to be able to see MY COLLECTION !!!

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Coppermine Photo CMS Documentation

The program that displays the photos on this site is called Coppermine. This documentation is intended to help you use this photo script to interact with this site. Please login to your account or join to see more information

Categories, albums and pictures

The photo part of the site is arranged in the following way :

  • Pictures are stored in albums
  • Albums may be organized in categories
  • Categories can be nested (subcategories)
As a member you may upload to any gallery enabled by the administrator

Album List

This goes to the page that lists all the categories, the gallery home page

Upload your Photo

As a Register User/Member you may upload photos to albums allowed by the administrator. To upload just click the upload link when logged in. After clicking the upload link choose a category from the list box, click on the Browse button next to the "Picture" field and find the image you want to upload from your computer. Fill out the rest of the fields in the form and click "upload Picture"


Login to use registered member functions such as uploading photos and sending ecards

Log out

Logout to finish your session

Last uploads :: Last comments :: Most viewed :: Top rated

These links go to the "meta albums" Last uploads - Last comments - Most viewed - Top rated. These albums are made of pictures from the category/album that you are in at the time that you click them, and if not in a category/album the pictures shown with be from all the categories/albums

My Favorites

This is a temporary album that lasts as long as your cookie from us. Use the link below the pictures to add picture to this album.

Searching the gallery

When you click the search link you can search for photos by keyword.

Copyleft 2003-4
written by gtroll and moorey of the Coppermine Dev Crew

coppermine ©
Webmaster Epitronics
Todos los logos y marcas son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños. Los comentarios son propiedad de quienes los escriban.
Web site engine code is Copyright 2003 by PHP-Nuke. All Rights Reserved. PHP-Nuke is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL license.
Nuke ET Copyright 2004 por Truzone.
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